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  • Have any other coeliacs out there had lactose intolerance too? If so – how long have you had it/did you have it for? I had really severe reactions to lactose which gradually got worse and worse after my diagnosis of coeliac. It got to the point I had to cut out everything – cooked or uncooked – even butter and hard cheese. I know usually you are supposed to regain the tolerance after 6 months to 2 years – I am nearly at the 2 year mark and the dietitians still hold out hope – but I am losing it. It has made me scared to try and reintroduce it, although I need to give it a go again. I have heard a lot of people with coeliac say they have problems with lactose – even though the gastroenterologist said it is very rare to have long-term intolerance. I’d really appreciate your stories……

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    Posted by: Super Tricky Eater
    28th September 2014 at 9:23 am

    I had no problem with lactose until I was glutened really badly a few months ago (at a Thai restaurant) then every time I had a latte I would feel sick – had a few toilet hugging moments. I never realised lactose intolerance could be so bad! I’ve cut down (have Lactofree milk on my cereal and in coffee, but still have milk in food). I am still too scared to try a normal latte!

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    Posted by: HungryCoeliac
    30th September 2014 at 3:44 pm

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