Taste Test: GlutenFreegan Chocolate Cake

For Father’s Day this year my wife was pretty amazing. I don’t really go in for Father’s Day, as it is very much a ‘Hallmark’ holiday I don’t believe in, so asking for anything would be hypocritical. Some homemade cards from the kids and a full English breakfast and I’m a happy dad.

But after my lie in, I got my lovely cards and cooked breakfast AND a chocolate cake.

This was the same chocolate cake mix I’d got from GlutenFreegan at the Great British Food Festival and I was very excited to try it. But after a fry up, I wasn’t particularly hungry. This then gave Safer Eating MD, Karen Woodford, and her two girls plenty of time to eat half my cake before I’d had any… I’m not bitter about this at all, honest.



GlutenFreegan Chocolate Cake Mix




£7 per packet


Free from?

The cake mix is free of the top 13 out of the top 14 allergens (it contains almonds) and is suitable for coeliacs, vegetarians and vegans.


The company

Gluten Freegan has a great back story, as like a lot of free-from companies it is a family-run business that has discovered a hole in the market and has the necessary skills to fill it. The team is made of Becca and her husband Chris. Chris has allergies that make even mine look like a walk in the park and they claim that some of their recipes have taken over 10 years to develop. They say their recipes come from the heart and (spoiler alert) you can certainly taste that in the cake I tried.


Easy to make

Firstly, the cake is very simple to make. You just mix the ingredients in the packet with apple sauce, sugar, water and dairy-free spread. It’s so easy, my wife got our six-year-old to do most of the work for her.
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The instructions on the back of the packet are very clear and precise and even suggest adding free-from ingredients such as dairy-free spread, rather than just saying ‘add butter’ which could confuse anyone trying to cater for tricky eaters who has no experience of allergies or coeliac disease.
My wife then added a lovely topping using cocoa powder and sugar and grated some dark chocolate (Green & Black’s). The topping was not included in the packet, so you can just add what you like.


Taste test

I should at this point declare that I hate puddings. Well, I don’t hate them, free-from ones are just so often rubbish, taste terrible or don’t live up to the real thing. This comes from years of my mother and wife creating ‘wonderful’ free-from recipes, only for me to force myself to eat something I don’t like in order to avoid offending them.

My wife has only ever found one cake that I actually like… so how would this one stack up?
The answer is: extremely well. I was very surprised. The cake tasted great, even better than ‘THE cake’ I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

It was soft and stuck together very well. Many of our readers will be all too familiar with free-from cakes that completely crumble as soon as you cut a slice and pick it up, but the GlutenFreegan cake held strong.
I also did something I almost never do with puddings – went back for a second slice. If that’s not a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is.

The very best compliment however was from my wife, who is largely allergy free and has a discerning palate, very much being in the ‘foodie’ category. She claimed that this tasted ‘more like a real egg and milk chocolate cake’ than anything she’d ever tasted. Meaning that if anyone wanted to serve this at a party, everyone will enjoy it, whether a tricky eater or not.

Also, these two certainly enjoyed it:


Full product range

The chocolate cake mix is just one product available to buy. Other products include: Chocolate Chip Cookies (The Cookies are free from all 14 top allergens), Coconut Macaroon Mix, Vanilla Cake and Coffee Cake.


The result

GlutenFreegan has a standout product with its chocolate cake, one I’d highly recommend everyone trying. I have also tried the vanilla cake when I met Becca at her stall at Harewood House and that is something I’m looking forward to ordering.

I’m giving GlutenFreegan a very strong four stars as this is a product I can imagine I’m going to be eating a lot of over the next few years. I’ll adjust my belt now.

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